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I firmly believe that among the many rights we cherish, the right to feel safe and secure in our homes and communities stands paramount. For far too long, residents have felt trapped by the lawlessness and violence that pervades our society. It is high time we take decisive actions to restore safety in our Missouri communities by robustly supporting law enforcement and public safety initiatives.

One of the key measures I propose is returning control of the St. Louis City Metropolitan Police Department to the State Board of Commissions. Alongside this, I advocate for empowering the Governor and/or Attorney General to appoint a special prosecutor to any jurisdiction where the homicide or violent crime rates reach critical levels or if the circuit attorney's office fails to prosecute violent offenders. These reforms are essential to ensure that justice is served and that our communities are protected.

Moreover, I stand firmly against allocating state grants or aid to any local government that cuts its law enforcement budget by more than 3 percent. Public safety should not be compromised due to budgetary decisions. Additionally, I advocate for legislation to stop municipalities from implementing cashless bail systems that inadvertently allow dangerous criminals to roam free. The adage, "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time," should resonate within our justice system. Unfortunately, current trends often depict criminals as victims while true victims are reduced to mere statistics.

The tragic incident involving volleyball scholar-athlete Janae Edmonson underscores the dire need for stricter law enforcement. Janae was struck by a recklessly speeding driver in downtown St. Louis. Shockingly, the defendant was out on bond for a pending robbery case and had repeatedly violated the conditions of his release. To make matters worse, toxicology reports revealed he had fentanyl, codeine, and THC in his system at the time of the crash. This horrific event should never have been allowed to happen and exemplifies the urgent need for systemic change.

To further enhance public safety, I support raising staffing requirements for the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department. The surge in property crimes has been so severe that in many instances, criminal complaints do not receive physical responses; instead, they are addressed with mere paperwork. This is unacceptable and undermines the trust and security our residents expect.

By implementing these measures, we can create a safer district and Missouri where residents can live without fear and communities can thrive. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that every individual, every family, and every employee and visitor feels secure and safe while in our district.


Eliminating the Earnings tax in St Louis and Kansas City.

I am wholeheartedly committed to supporting legislation that will eliminate the earnings tax in St. Louis City and Kansas City. This pivotal change marks the first step towards fostering economic growth and delivering much-needed relief to the residents of these dynamic urban centers. By removing this tax, we reaffirm our dedication to nurturing a more welcoming and vibrant economy.

Eliminating the earnings tax stands as a testament to our resolve to promote equity of opportunity for all. It levels the playing field, ensuring that everyone, from hardworking individuals to ambitious entrepreneurs, can thrive without the burden of additional taxation. This move will significantly enhance the business-friendly environment in these cities, attracting new investments and encouraging existing businesses to expand.

This legislation is not just a policy shift; it is a proactive measure aimed at empowering both residents and enterprises. By unlocking their potential for growth and prosperity, we pave the way for a future where St. Louis City and Kansas City can fully harness their economic capabilities. With this step, we lay a solid foundation for a stronger, more inclusive, and prosperous community for all.

Eliminating Personal Property Taxes

I support repealing personal property taxes on vehicles, trailers, boats, and essential equipment. For many, owning a car or truck is a necessity, not a luxury. Taxing these essential assets is unfair and burdensome. Such reforms will alleviate the financial strain on Missouri’s taxpayers. It's time to stop penalizing individuals for owning necessary tools for their lives and work. These taxes feel like a "permission fee" to use what people already own, which is unjust. We need responsible legislation that focuses on state budget oversight and eliminates unnecessary taxes. Why should Missourians pay "rent" on their own property? Let's advocate for tax reforms that support financial freedom and promote prosperity. Together, we can ensure a fairer, more prosperous future for everyone.

Curbing and Controlling Real Estate Taxes

I am committed to actively identifying and eliminating wasteful spending and fiscal misconduct in state and local government. I will advocate for reforms that prioritize the interests of taxpayers and ensure transparency and accountability in the use of public funds. Additionally, I will support a requirement to present information about government spending in a clear and easily understandable manner for all citizens. One of my top priorities moving forward will be advocating for a comprehensive audit of the St. Louis city government. This audit will include examining the grant system and investigating the allocation and distribution of various windfalls that have not resulted in visible improvements for the city. Specifically, I aim to scrutinize the utilization of the $280 million from stadium lawsuit funds, the $498 million received from the American Rescue Plan, and the $160 million from Prop S bonds, along with other federal, state, and local funds. It is essential that these resources are utilized effectively and efficiently to benefit the taxpayers. By conducting a thorough audit, we can ensure transparency and accountability within the city government and work towards meaningful progress and positive change in the community.



I believe that every child deserves the opportunity to attend a safe, quality, and results-driven school of their choice, supported by their parents' guidance and encouragement. My priority in the upcoming legislative session will be to ensure that the next generation becomes ambitious, productive, respectful, hardworking, and honorable members of our community, equipped with the tools to succeed.

Key to this goal is legislation that empowers local district parents to recall school board members through a petition process when their behavior or ideologies fail to serve the student body. Concurrently, we must recognize and support the many dedicated educators, staff, and administrators in our state. This includes enabling the removal of underperforming district staff to avoid hindering the positive contributions of the thousands of amazing Missouri educators who strive to make a real difference.

I fully support allowing parents from any public school district, where math and/or reading proficiency scores are at 50% or below, to use state-funded amounts allocated for their child's education to transfer to another public, charter, or parochial school of their choice.

Moreover, it is unacceptable that teachers often purchase supplies out of their own pockets and scrape together resources to teach our children. This must end. To achieve the results we expect, we must ensure that resources are adequately provided and that allocated funds are utilized responsibly and effectively.


I am committed to actively identifying and eliminating wasteful spending and fiscal misconduct in state and local government. I will advocate for reforms that prioritize the interest of taxpayers and ensure transparency and accountability in the use of public funds. I will also work for a layman's requirement, as it is essential that information about government spending is presented in a way that is clear and easily understandable to all citizens.

One of the top priorities going forward will be advocating for a comprehensive audit of the St Louis city government. This audit would include examining the grant system, as well as investigating the allocation and distribution of various windfalls that have not translated into visible improvements in the city. Specifically including the $280 Million in stadium lawsuit funds, the $498 Million received from the American Rescue Plan, the $160 Million from Prop S bonds, in addition to other Federal, State, and local funds. it is essential that these resources are utilized effectively and efficiently to benefit the taxpayers. By conducting a thorough audit, we can ensure transparency and accountability within City government and work towards meaningful progress and positive change in the community.

Paid for by the Committee to Elect Jim Povolish for 78th, Kirk Hilzinger, Treasurer
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